

Anthony Flower, son of ship owner Cornelius Flower and Margaret Nicholson, is born, Old Gravel-lane, London.

Mary Green, the daughter of James Green and Elizabeth Carpenter Green, is born, Washademoak Lake, Queens County, New Brunswick.
Painting of a rosebud by Anthony; his earliest known work.
Anthony's father leases a large estate called Little Heath Farm at Northchurch, Hertfordshire, England.
Anthony sails on his father's ship, The Trent, bound for Saint John, New Brunswick.
Builds a small house on a farm at Macdonald's Corner, Washademoak Lake, Queens County, establishing himself in the community as a farmer for the rest of his life.
Marries Mary Green.
Son Cornelius born.
Daughter Margaret born.
Son James born.
Daughter Mary born.
Some time during the 1840s Anthony "discovers" oil painting, adding a new dimension to his art.
Deacon of the Macdonald's Corner Baptist Church.
Margaret marries William Vincent.
James Flower marries Mary Matilda Clark and an 18 x 16 addition is added to the house to accommodate James and Mary Matilda's growing family: Inglewood, Elizabeth, Cordelia, Martha, and George Frederick.
Cornelius attends Harvard University and graduates with a degree in medicine from the University of Michigan.
Anthony's dear, dear Mary dies.
Anthony officially passes ownership of the house and farm to James but continues to live with his son and grandchildren.
Anthony Flower dies at the home of his friend, William Briggs, and is buried with Mary in the Baptist Cemetery next to the church.
James Flower, a great-grandson of Anthony who uses the famly home as a summer residence, gives Queens County Heritage its first painting by Anthony Flower, an oil of Mary Green Flower, c. 1855.
QCH purchases an 1836 watercolour of Mary Green Flower.
James Flower gifts five more paintings to Queens County Heritage.
James Flower passes away at the age of 100.
Auction of household contents including several paintings.
House is offered to and accepted by Queens County Heritage.
Queens County Heritage hosts an auction preview and raises the first $500 towards the restoration project.
QC Heritage with the assistance of many friends and supporters purchase four paintings, several pieces of furniture and other family items for the museum collection.
Official project announcement and official sign-over at Cambridge-Narrows.
One acre lot is purchased as future home of house with the generous assistance of an anonymous donor.
Collaboration begins between QC Heritage and Ann Lowe, Research Associate.
Archaeological dig around house.
House and summer kitchen are moved 4km to one acre lot near the center of Cambridge-Narrows for restoration as a museum and historic site.
Short film is made of house moving.
Anthony Flower Gala Reception at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery; project fundraiser that included a silent auction and a special recital by world-renowned soprano, Wendy Nielsen. (2004)
Exterior of house is secured on new concrete foundation with fieldstone facing.
Opening of "Anthony Flower, 1792-1875: The Life and Art of a Country Painter", a travelling exhibition by the Beaverbrook Art Gallery.
Strawberry Social at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery; project fundraiser.
QC Heritage mourns the tragic loss of two of our friends and supporters, Leola and Eric Bond. The Bond family generously allows memorial donations to be made to the Flower Project.
Cedar shingle roof is completed on house and summer kitchen.
Premiere of feature film, Anthony Flower, 1792-1875: The Life and Art of a Country Painter, at Cambridge-Narrows and subsequent showings at other NB venues.
Mid-project strategic planning session.
Eric James Bond Memorial Auction.
Exhibition opens at New Brunswick Museum with a strawberry social and QC Heritage showcases video of move and an illustrated talk.
Purchase of nine paintings with the assistance of the Harrison McCain Foundation.
Exterior Painting and clapboarding of main house and re-shingling of summer kitchen.
Gift of three more paintings by Karen Todd, a family friend of James Flower from Illinois. During cataloguing it is discovered that two of the three works have works on the reverse.
Interior restoration.
Exhibition and interpretation research and development.
Official opening.
Ann Lowe appointed Research Associate for the preparation of a catalogue raisonné
Funding approved from the Harrison McCain Foundation for the preparation of a catalogue raisonné
Open for first regular summer season
Summer exhibitions: Anthony's Paintings; John Hunter Portraits
Gift of folders, sketchbook and other art materials used by Anthony Flower by John Secord, a descendant of the Green Family.
Gift of two pages of a journal kept by Anthony Flower by great-great-great granddaughter Carolee Chute
Summer kitchen renovated and opened as a gift shop.
Summer exhibition: The Making of Anthony's Art
Donation of wool winder purchased at auction by Judy Gillis
Gift of painting by Harry and Valda Cole, Australia
Summer exhibitions: The Making of Anthony's Art; Anthony's Portraits
Three works donated to collection by Donald McEdward, Arizona
Summer exhibitions: Anthony's Portraits; Anthony's Art Under the Influence children's program
Five works donated to collection by great-great-great granddaughter Carolee Chute
Sketchbooks (48 works!) donated to collection by great-great-great granddaughter Georgia Kendall
Summer children's program: Anthony's Food for Thought
Research continues with the identification of the inspiration of several more works


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